... I was entertained and disturbed at the same time by Xavier's getting of the porns. 8D *shot* Nyurrrrr
Lol but yeah D8 And and and and dun worry Vanneyyy D8 You're... like... not the only one who's really shyyy. ... I think. >;; Hurrr orz;; *helpage failz*
Other Guy: ... Dude, that's a baby cat. Covered in paint. The paint brush is right there.
yes.. Xavier is a perv... sigh.... Xavier: U MADE ME THAT WAY?! yeah... go read ur porn now.... Xavier: TT^TT *goes to read porn*
ANYWAYS i have to say... Cornelius' diary entries make me sad, i almost cried (is a completely softy) and for some reason... Alice's diary entertains me... (and its not because its all about Reid) it's like... the confessions of an overobsessive stalker! xD
"Today, my daughter asked me when was the first time I had sex. After I told her 22 she quickly shouted, "beat ya!" She's thirteen. FML."
Corny is also an interesting person to read about. He's a bit of the emo-side though haha poor guy with his hospital visits... Maybe I'm watching too much of the 'House-series' XD
And and And! I saw I haven't posted anything of Yiska today! (Shock! :O) I'll mention Xavier haha :)
XDD I love how Kurau gets mentioned in peoples journals.
Yiska: Positive stuff Xavier/Corny: Negative!
Kurau: TT__TT I don't mean to make everyone sad....wait what did Yiska say about my hips? O__O *covers them for safety* Crap! DX More exercising! Hips begone!!
Hehe, it's just fun to write about Kurau from Yiskas perspective XD I read he likes to dance... so here you have it And I noticed Angeal and Ruri have their own diaries now! Especially Ruri writes with a high... accent? I don't know.. he uses a lot of posh words hehe (like in 'Pride and Preduce') ^^
Bubblefox I think you just like tormenting me cause of my name (Sir Kitsune) We're not rival foxes XD. But Yes I did get a good laugh out of the dancing comment and I will draw a comic!!
Lovely wake up call for Yiska. She comes downstairs and Kurau is in her apron with a plate of eggs and coffee. XD They would look like a married couple
Mahahaha, I'll post a comic page about 'the' revealing XD
Yiska: *folds arms, pops a gum-bubble* You made me look like a pig.. throwing all my stuff all over the cabin... even my underwear! *throws panty to Creator*
Gasp Yiska cried for the first time since her mothers funeral! Could this be a sign of love?! Can this be the call for help?! Stay tuned next time for more exciting adventures in the Forbidden Romance! *shot* :cough: Ok I'm done
Awww Aki DX Poor thing she should really just go out and have fun...this camping trip has become depressing we need something funny...